A/RES/74/208 United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General 15 January 2020 Seventy-fourth session Agenda item 19 Sustainable development Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 19 December 2019 [on the report of the Second Committee (A/74/381)] 74/208. Oil slick on Lebanese shores The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 61/194 of 20 December 2006, 62/188 of 19 December 2007, 63/211 of 19 December 2008, 64/195 of 21 December 2009, 65/147 of 20 December 2010, 66/192 of 22 December 2011, 67/201 of 21 December 2012, 68/206 of 20 December 2013, 69/212 of 19 December 2014, 70/194 of 22 December 2015, 71/218 of 21 December 2016, 72/209 of 20 December 2017 and 73/224 of 20 December 2018 on the oil slick on Lebanese shores, Reaffirming the outcome of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, especially principle 7 of the Declaration of the Conference, 1 in which States were requested to take all possible steps to prevent pollution of the seas, Emphasizing the need to protect and preserve the marine environment in accordance with international law, Taking into account the 1992 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, 2 especially principle 16, in which it was stipulated that the polluter should, in principle, bear the cost of pollution, and taking into account also chapter 17 of Agenda 21, 3 Noting with great concern the environmental disaster caused by the destruction by the Israeli Air Force on 15 July 2006 of the oil storage tanks in the direct vicinity of the Jiyah electric power plant in Lebanon, resulting in an oil slick that covered the entirety of the Lebanese coastline, extended to the Syrian coastline and hindered __________________ 1 2 3 19-22421 (E) See Report of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, Stockholm, 5–16 June 1972 (A/CONF.48/14/Rev.1), part one, chap. I. Report of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Rio de Janeiro, 3−14 June 1992, vol. I, Resolutions Adopted by the Conference (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.93.I.8 and corrigendum), resolution 1, annex I. Ibid., annex II. 170120 *1922421*

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