A/RES/53/222 B Page 2 Bearing in mind further Security Council resolutions 1141 (1997) of 28 November 1997, by which the Council established the United Nations Civilian Police Mission in Haiti, and 1212 (1998) of 25 November 1998, by which the Council extended the mandate of the Mission until 30 November 1999, Recalling its resolution 51/15 A of 4 November 1996 on the financing of the Support Mission and its subsequent decisions and resolutions thereon, the latest of which was resolution 53/222 A of 7 April 1999, Reaffirming that the costs of the Missions are expenses of the Organization to be borne by Member States in accordance with Article 17, paragraph 2, of the Charter of the United Nations, Recalling its previous decisions regarding the fact that, in order to meet the expenditures caused by the Missions, a different procedure is required from that applied to meet expenditures of the regular budget of the United Nations, Taking into account the fact that the economically more developed countries are in a position to make relatively larger contributions and that the economically less developed countries have a relatively limited capacity to contribute towards such an operation, Bearing in mind the special responsibilities of the States permanent members of the Security Council, as indicated in General Assembly resolution 1874 (S-IV) of 27 June 1963, in the financing of such operations, Noting with appreciation that voluntary contributions have been made to the Missions by certain Governments, Mindful of the fact that it is essential to provide the Missions with the necessary financial resources to enable them to fulfil their responsibilities under the relevant resolutions of the Security Council, 1. Takes note of the status of contributions to the United Nations Support Mission in Haiti, the United Nations Transition Mission in Haiti and the United Nations Civilian Police Mission in Haiti as at 30 April 1999, including the contributions outstanding in the amount of 23.8 million United States dollars, representing 21 per cent of the total assessed contributions from the inception of the Support Mission to the period ending 30 June 1999, notes that some 27 per cent of the Member States have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States concerned, in particular those in arrears, to ensure payment of their outstanding assessed contributions; 2. Expresses concern about the financial situation with regard to peacekeeping activities, in particular as regards the reimbursement of troop contributors, which bear additional burdens owing to overdue payments by Member States of their assessments; 3. in full; Expresses its appreciation to those Member States which have paid their assessed contributions 4. Urges all other Member States to make every possible effort to ensure payment of their assessed contributions to the Missions in full and on time; /...

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