Cooperation between the United Nations and the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons A/RES/73/258 5. Also welcomes the decision of the Conference of the States Parties to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction at its twenty-second session on the appointment of Mr. Fernando Arias as the Director General of the Technical Secretariat of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons; 4 6. Takes note of the report of the Conference of the States Parties on its fourth special session, held in The Hague on 26 and 27 June 2018, and also takes note of the decision adopted at the special session entitled “Addressing the threat from chemical weapons use”; 5 7. Recalls Security Council resolution 2118 (2013) of 27 September 2013, in which, inter alia, the Council requested the Director General of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons to report to the Council, on a monthly basis, on the implementation of resolution 2118 (2013) and the decision of the Executive Council of the Organisation of 27 September 2013, also recalls paragraph 5 of Security Council resolution 2209 (2015) of 6 March 2015, in which the Council welcomed the intention of the Director General to include future reports of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons fact-finding mission in the Syrian Arab Republic, which was mandated to establish the facts surrounding allegations of the use of toxic chemicals for hostile purposes in the Syrian Arab Republic, as part of his monthly report to the Council, notes in this regard the transmission by the Director General of 22 monthly reports, as well as all reports of the fact-finding mission, during the reporting period, and expresses appreciation for the work done in this regard; 8. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its seventy-fifth session, under the item entitled “Cooperation between the United Nations and regional and other organizations”, the sub-item entitled “Cooperation between the United Nations and the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons”. 63rd plenary meeting 20 December 2018 __________________ 4 5 2/2 See Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, document C-22/DEC.18. Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, document C-SS-4/DEC.3. 18-22639

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