A/RES/55/180 B 28. Takes note of additional requirements in the amount of 571,000 dollars gross (1,270,800 dollars net) for the operation of the Force for the period ending 30 June 2000, and authorizes the Secretary-General to utilize credits in an equal amount arising from the cancellation of obligations pertaining to the same period to meet the additional requirements; 29. Emphasizes that no peacekeeping mission shall be financed by borrowing funds from other active peacekeeping missions; 30. Encourages the Secretary-General to continue to take additional measures to ensure the safety and security of all personnel under the auspices of the United Nations participating in the Force; 31. Invites voluntary contributions to the Force in cash and in the form of services and supplies acceptable to the Secretary-General, to be administered, as appropriate, in accordance with the procedure and practices established by the General Assembly; 32. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its fifty-sixth session, under the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations peacekeeping forces in the Middle East”, the sub-item entitled “United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon”. 103rd plenary meeting 14 June 2001 5

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