A/RES/73/210 Strengthening and promoting the international treaty framework Welcoming the measures taken by the Treaty Section to expedite the publication of the United Nations Treaty Series and to provide electronic access to all of its publications on the website of the United Nations Treaty Collection, and recognizing the role that new technology can play in the accessibility of the United Nations Treaty Series, Recognizing that practice and technology have developed considerably since the last amendment to the General Assembly regulations to give effect to Article 102 of the Charter, and acknowledging the importance of maintaining consistency with treaty-making practice in the international community, Bearing in mind the provisions of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, 1 and considering its adoption on 22 May 1969 by the United Nations Conference on the Law of Treaties, Convinced of the need to further gather and exchange views on practice relating to the strengthening and promoting of the international treaty framework, 1. Recalls Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations, reaffirms the importance of the registration and publication of treaties, as well as their accessibility, and stresses that the regulations to give effect to Article 102 should be useful and relevant to Member States and should be kept updated to assist States in implementing their obligations thereunder; 2. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General entitled “Review of the regulations to give effect to Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations ”, 2 submitted pursuant to its resolution 71/148 of 13 December 2016, and the recommendations contained therein for consideration by the General Assembly; 3. Amends the regulations as detailed in the annex to the present resolution, which, as amended, will apply as from 1 February 2019; 4. Notes that some Member States consider that there remain outstanding issues where the regulations may need further consideration or possible updating; 5. Reaffirms its support for the annual treaty event organized by the Secretary-General; 6. Welcomes the organization of workshops on treaty practice by the Treaty Section at Headquarters and at the national and regional levels as an important capacity-building initiative, encourages the Treaty Section to continue to do so as regularly as possible, and invites States to continue to support this activity; 7. Also welcomes efforts to build the capacity of States in treaty law and practice, and invites Member States to consider providing targeted technical assistance, upon request, at the bilateral, regional and multilateral levels, in particular to developing countries, in order to develop and enhance their treaty practice, including in the use of information and communications technology; 8. Further welcomes the efforts made to develop and enhance the United Nations electronic treaty database, which provides online access to comprehensive information on the depositary functions of the Secretary-General and the registration and publication of treaties under Article 102 of the Charter, and encourages the continuation of such efforts in the future, while bearing in mind the challenges that many developing countries face in accessing information and communications technology; __________________ 1 2 2/7 United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1155, No. 18232. A/72/86. 18-22527

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